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Monkey Bread



Bring margarine, brown sugar, pudding mix and milk just to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally, and remove from stove. Pour into a 9X13 pan and cool. When dough is done, break into bite size pieces (keep them pretty small because bread rises as it bakes) and arrange in pan over pudding mixture.

Before moving to a second layer, I sprinkle cinnamon/fructose over it all. This way the pieces stay a little bit more individual and easy to pull apart. End by spraying with some oil or pam and sprinkling one more layer of cinnamon/fructose. If you are using homemade bread dough, let rise in warm place for about a half hour. If you are using canned dough, skip the rising step.

Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. Invert onto board or jelly roll pan and serve warm.

Nuts can be added as well. Both pecans and almonds are very good in this recipe. I pulse them a few times in the food processor to get the pieces small.