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Soyrizo Mac N Cheese



Start by boiling a big pot of water to cook all the noodles. While you wait for the water to boil, you can work on the other parts of the recipe. Once the water is boiling, cook pasta until done, about 7-10 minutes depending on type.

Meanwhile, make the cheeze sauce. Add water, onion and garlic powders, nutritional yeast, and flour to a bowl and mix well.

After the sauce is ready, heat a LARGE skillet. Add oil and onions and peppers. Cook until softened. Add soyrizo and stir around until hot. Add tomatoes, corn, and cheeze sauce mix. Stir well and simmer 5 or so minutes until the sauce thickens slightly.

At this point the pasta should be done. Or overdone if you cook slowly-- watch out! Drain the pasta and then carefully mix it all into the soyrizo-cheeze mix in the skillet. If you used a pan that won't fit it all, you can change out pots if you need to. Heat a little bit longer to let the flavors mix together. Salt as needed.

Serve with some salsa, tofu sour creme, or avocado slices. Yum!

Serves: 6-8 (a LOT)

Preparation time: less than 30 minutes


Added By: http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=24439.0