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Gluten Meatloaf



Pour the blender liquids into the dry ingredients while stirring quickly, adding a little more water if needed to moisten the flour. Gluten will be firm. Knead for a minute or two, then press into a lightly oiled 9x5x3 loaf pan. Two smaller pans can be used, but allow space for the sauce and reduce cooking time.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix for baking sauce:

1 T. catsup of tomato paste

1 T. soy sauce

1 cup veggie stock

Pour sauce over top of loaf and bake 60 minutes. Decrease heat to 325 degrees and bake 30 minutes more. Almost all of the liquid will be absorbed by the loaf. If it begins to dry out too soon, pour a little stock on top of loaf and cover pan with aluminum foil. (I put foil on mine the whole time). The loaf will slice easier if allowed to cool for 10 minutes. To serve, slice and top with marinara sauce.